It is a privilege for Ladies Guild members to coordinate and serve a luncheon for family and friends of Nativity parishioners if requested. We order the main dish (chicken) and loving parishioners provide delicious side dishes and desserts. While there is no charge, a donation* to Ladies Guild would be greatly appreciated. This helps us continue this ministry.
Please read our Policy page for luncheon details.
Volunteers needed:
Would you like to assist the funeral luncheon ministry? We would welcome and appreciate your help in the kitchen, serving food or donating a side dish or dessert for the luncheons. Assisting in the ministry is a wonderful way to make new friends. If interested, please contact Joan Rankine (information below).
Thank you:
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers who bring in their delicious casseroles, vegetables, and desserts. Because of your generosity, grieving families have somewhere to come and enjoy a meal after the funeral in the company of their loved ones.
God bless you all!
Joan Rankine
[email protected]
*Donation checks should be made out to "Nativity Ladies Guild".