Whenever Springfield Local Schools are closed ALL activities and events here at the parish are cancelled. Any Masses scheduled for that day will be celebrated privately. Stay home and keep safe! Check www.wkyc.com/closings.
November 16, 2024 Saturday 9AM-3PM Some of the items for sale will be: baked goods, jewelry, wreaths, wooden signs, homemade ornaments, crochet items, scented candles, painted wine bottles and others ! No Admission Fee. 50/50 raffle and crafter item raffle during the day! Nativity Of the Lord Jesus Catholic Church Hall Contact info: Cindy Blake @ [email protected]
Join us in our Diocesan 3-Year process of Reviving our Love, Devotion, and Understanding of and for the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ - The EUCHARIST!! This form of His Real Presence is the source and summit of our Catholic Faith.
Do you need some prayer time during your day? The Diocese of Cleveland is pleased to offer daily audio prayers delivered to you via email every morning. The prayers are led by a variety of clergy from the diocese and provide a simple way to create and sustain a prayerful relationship with God.
Family Celebrations begin with dinner at 5:30 PM and the sessions end at 7:30 PM. These are open to ALL members of the parish - click here to register.
Special drawing for all children who wear their summer tshirt!!
Sessions will be accompanied by Behold, Believe, Become by Timothy P. O'Malley.
Registration Ends: January 27, 2025. This event takes place on February 5, 2025.
Funded by a Rooted-In Faith grant.
Catholic Charities USA, the official domestic disaster relief agency of the Catholic Church in the United States, is currently providing support and assistance to its Diocesan Catholic Charities member agencies throughout the regions that are being impacted by Hurricane Helene. Catholic Charities USA is accepting donations via this form to provide humanitarian relief to those in need. Thank you for your support!
Help us raise funds for the replacement of our cupola windows. Envelopes marked "New Cupola Windows" are available at the display in the Narthex and at the west stairwell. Simply return to the Mass collection basket or the Parish Office. You may also "Make a One-Time Gift" online through our FaithDirect account. Thank you for your support!
During the week of October 7, there will not be daily Mass due to Father Kawalec's attendance at the Bishop's Convocation.
Adoration/Expostion will still take place on Thursday, October 10.
Ladies Guild is kicking off the Fall season with a Welcome Back Tea and all ladies of the parish 18 and over are invited! Monday, September 9th, 6:30 p.m.
Please register in the Narthex, click on this link for more details or to register, or call Debbie Rankine at 330-571-1543. Registration deadline is Tuesday, September 3rd.
Come and pray with us during our annual outdoor Eucharistic Procession after the 11:00AM Mass on June 2nd. Please join us for an extra 25 mins. of outside Eucharistic prayer, Scripture Readings, hymns, silece, and adoration!
LADIES OF THE PARISH: Ladies Guild invites you to learn about The History of Chocolate at our February 12th gathering. Diana Kindler of Diana’s Delectables will talk about the origin of chocolate and its development as a delicacy. She will also bring samples - and offer some of her delicious treats for purchase. Please join us at 6:30 p.m. in the Holy Family Room. Registration is necessary! Click on the picture to register. FIRM REGISTRATION DEADLINE: February 7th. We look forward to seeing you on the 12th!
June 1-2 will be our "follow up" Catholic Charities In-Pew Appeal weekend. All donations will be invested in our Substance Use Disorder treatment programs and facilities. Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a chronic problem in our society. The donations made to this second appeal will support Catholic Charities' strategy to help ease the suffering and cure those struggling with addiction. Thank you for your support!
HELP our local Welcome Circle of neighboring parishes bring to Akron a needy family from war-torn Ukraine! Checks must be made out to: AKRON OHIO FOR UKRAINE and mailed to: Holy Ghost Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic Church, 1866 Brown Street, Akron OH 44301 or dropped in Nativity’s white collection basket or Parish Office. Click here to find out more and to access their GoFundMe page.
This Novena will begin on Good Friday at 6:30 PM, before the 7PM Passion of the Lord Service, and continue through Divine Mercy Sunday. Click on the picture for the church schedule and links to help you pray this Novena at home.
EASTER MASSES: Vigil at 9:00PM; Sunday at 8:30AM and 11:00AM. Our Parish Staff wishes you and your loved ones a very Blessed, Happy, and Holy EASTER SEASON! May the NEW LIFE promised and fulfilled in The Paschal Lamb be yours now and forever!!